JORVIK Viking Centre Gallery Walk Through: Trade with the East

 Join Lucas and Miranda as they continue their stroll around the JORVIK Viking Centre.
This time they’re discussing the new items on display in the JORVIK Viking Centre galleries, generously on loan from the British Museum. These artefacts display the extensive trade networks of the Vikings, which connected the city of Jorvik to the trading centres of Western Asia and the Mediterranean.

For our past Gallery Walk Throughs check out:
Episode 28 – The JORVIK Viking Centre Gets the Silverdale Hoard with Gareth Williams
Episode 39 – JORVIK Viking Centre Gallery Walk Through: Travel and Trade
Episode 57 – JORVIK Viking Centre Gallery Walk Through: Skeletons

And hit subscribe so you don’t miss all of our Norse Gods and Goddess season in February for the JORVIK Viking Festival!

Listen and enjoy, and please consider leaving us a 5 star review on Apple PodcastsSpotify or wherever you listen!